
Let's draw.

Illustrator -  free tutorials

Illustrator lets anyone create logos, packaging designs, web graphics, and more.

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Adobe Illustrator - free tutorials

Learn the basics or refine your skills with these inspiring tutorials.

Take a basic tour in Illustrator

Exploring essential features and tools.

What's new in Illustrator?

Learn what's new in the latest release of Illustrator.

How to use Generative AI in your artwork

Generative ai

Basic AI Tips

Text to vector Graphic

Creating stunning patterns

Fun lettering

The basics

Get to know illustrator

Create and edit shapes

Transform and edit artwork

Change color and strokes

Add text to your designs

Create and drawing tools

Organize content with layers

Work with artboards

Add images and artistic effects

Share artwork

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Adobe Illustrator - draw

Learn what each drawing tool, including the pen, pencil, curvature tool, brush, and more, is best for.

Get to know them all.

Get to know the drawing

Create artwork with the Paintbrush and Pencil tools

Intuitive drawing with the Curvature tool

Start creating with the Pen

Practice creating with the Pen tool

Edit paths you draw

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Adobe Illustrator - manipulate artwork

Discover a variety of methods for making selections in your Adobe Illustrator projects for faster creation and editing.

Get to know them all.

Explore different ways to select artwork

Streamline your design by grouping, hiding, and locking art

Creatively transform your artwork to bring it to life

Level up your shape-building skills with Pathfinders

Twist and distort your shapes

Accelerate your design by learning about the drawing modes

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Adobe Illustrator - style artwork

Discover a variety of methods for making selections in your Adobe Illustrator projects for faster creation and editing.

Get to know them all.

Change color everywhere instantly and make colors lighter

Take gradients to the next level with color blends that flow

Make repeating patterns to apply
to art

Add style and depth by adjusting how colors blend together

Adobe Illustrator - layouts 

Learn the basics of text, shapes, and masking to create a great design.

Follow them all.

Lay out text and images to make
a flyer.

Use artboards to create a branding system.

Lay out text to create a business

Mask a photo to make a hometown postcard.

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More to know...

Support yourself with the AI chat assistant Andi.

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